Silver-Gold seminaari kaikille vyöarvoille 9.11


Alla seminaarikutsu.

T: Hannu Salo


Alla kutsu 1 päiväiseen käytännön läheiseen seminaariin pk-seudulla. Ne jotka ovat aikaisemmin olleet Silver-Gold- päivillä; heille hinta on 35,-/ henkilö.  Tämä poikkeaa ed. päivistä siten että puolipäivää kohdentuu enemmän lajikohtaisiin yksityiskohtiin ja tekniikoihin ( mm. potku, kombinaatiot jne)


Jean Feller

9th of November, 2019, Helsinki, Finland
from 10.00 am - 17.00 pm
One day education for all ages and belt levels. You will learn with doing practical exercises.
This education includes:
- How create stonger deep muscles in Core-area -
- How create better mobility all joints and create pressure free body -
- How use Taekwon-Do breathing techniques in functional training ( even in gym ) k
- How create more better muscle balance in all body -
- How make higher tkd kicks without warm up -
- How use body rotation in tkd technques, especially with kicks - Learn how to test your mobility like in Professional Sport Leagues o
- Lower the risk of injuries in training – and competing -
- How use correct angles of body for better performance of tkd techniques -
- To get better body posture -
- And of course, how add training amounts, even coming older
+ and enjoy more your tkd training in future
Seminar price: until end of September : 49,-euros, end of October; 59,- and until 6th of November: 69,- euros / person. All participants will get certificates.
Seminar is conducted by Master Jean Feller, 7.dan, member of ITF Junior- and Veteran Committee
Registration and inquiries: or via website:
Welcome to resfresh Your Tkd training methods !
Jean Feller

Yours Sincerely

Jean Feller

Qualified ITF Taekwon-Do
Master, 7.dan
Professional Coach
Personal Trainer

tel. Estonia & Finland +358 41 3660 685
      France & Monaco +33 640 678 652